Further Reading and brief CV
Trevor Millum studied History at Birmingham University before completing a PhD at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies in Visual Communication in Advertising, later published as Images of Woman. While at the Centre he edited the first edition of the CCCS Journal: Working Papers in Cultural Studies.
Trevor then trained as a teacher at the University of Zambia and taught there, in the UK and Singapore before becoming an advisory teacher for English and ICT. Later he branched out into software design for education and wrote guides and resource materials. He has worked with a range of educational publishers to produce innovative teaching materials, focusing on creativity, poetry and ICT. A lifelong member of NATE, he became its Director of Communications and Development 1999-2005.
He is an experienced workshop leader and is well known for his work on creativity and developing the use of ICT in English. Educational publications include Improving Literacy with ICT and (with Chris Warren) and Unlocking Poetry: using ICT to investigate GCSE Poetry. He is the creator of and poet in residence at Teachit’s Poetry Place, for which he has written over 150 teaching resources.
In his spare time he writes stories and poems for children, including Warning – Too Much Schooling Can Damage Your Health and A Stegosaurus is For Life and other Animal Poems. His poems are widely published and anthologised.
Link to: ‘On The Bench’ – Harry Meadley interviews Trevor Millum on the banks of the Ancholme…
Read a longer, informal biography
In the late 1960s, it was hard to find published research, books or articles to assist the study of the visual aspect of advertising. Putting the search into research, however, I discovered a number of publications in related areas, many of which provided very useful insights. A side-product of my research evolved into a bibliography of non-verbal communication, first published in Working Papers in Cultural Studies, Spring 1971. ‘Non-verbal communication’ is an immense area and, since then, material has been added and analyses refined.
Nevertheless, I felt it might be useful to researchers to provide a selection of these publications, together with some works which have appeared in the interim. With two key exceptions, I have omitted papers in academic journals. There are many research papers in journals relating to psychology and psychiatry which deal with expression, body movement and gesture; in general, however, the relevance of these to situations outside the laboratory is limited.
Some of these works are readily available, others would require the use of an inter-library loan system. Some are scholarly tomes which one might not read from cover to cover, others are accessible introductions to areas of study. An internet search will usually provide enough detail for the reader to decide whether or not to proceed further.
Argyle M The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour Penguin 1967
Arnheim R Art and Visual Perception Faber and Faber 1956
Arnheim R Towards a Psychology of Art Faber and Faber 1967
Baker Visual Persuasion McGraw-Hill New York 1961
Baldwin J and Roberts L Visual Communication: From Theory to Practice AVA Academis 2006
Barthes R Systeme de la Mode Editions de Seuil, Paris 1967 (See also Barthes’ Elements of Semiology Cape 1967)
Barthes R ‘Rhetorique de l’Image’ Communications (4) 1964
Barthes R A Barthes Reader Hill and Wang New York 1982
Barthes R Elements of Semiology Hill and Wang New York 1968
Barthes R Image—Music—Text Hill and Wang New York 1977
Barthes R The Semiotic Challenge University of California Press Berkeley 1994
Berg C The Unconscious Significance of Hair Allen and Unwin 1957
Berger J Ways of Seeing Penguin 1972
Bignall J Media Semiotics Manchester University press 2002
Birdwhistell R Introduction to Kinesics Louisville 1952
Chandler D Semiotics: The Basics Routledge 2017
Cobley P and Jansz L Introducing Semiotics: A Graphic Guide Icon Books 2010
Critchley M The Language of Gesture Edward Arnold 1939
Dyer G Advertising as Communication Methuen 1982 )good bibliog)
Eco, U A Theory of Semiotics Indiana University Press 1976
Efron D Gesture and Environment Kings Crown Press, New York 1941
Feldman S Mannerisms of Speech and Gesture in Everyday Life International University Press New York 1935
Frank L K ‘Tactile Communication’ in A G Smith (ed) Communication and Culture Holt, Reinhart and Winston 1966
Gombrich E Art and Illusion Pantheon 1960
Gregory R L The Intelligent Eye Wiedenfeld and Nicholson 1970
Gregory R L Eye and Brain Wiedenfeld and Nicholson 1966
Hall E T The Silent Language Premier new York 1959
Hall E T The Hidden Dimension Doubleday New York 1966
Howells, R and Negreiros, J Visual Culture Polity Pres 2012
Jamieson H Visual Communication: More than meets the eye Intellect Books 2007
Jouard S M The Transparent Self Van Nostrand Princeton 1964
Kepes G Sign, Image and Symbol Studio Vista 1966
Kepes G The Language of Vision Paul Theobald Chicago 1964
Lamb W Posture and Gesture Duckworth 1965
Langer S Philosophy in a New Key Harvard 1942
Lester P M Visual Communication: Images with Messages Wadsworth 2014
Panofsky E Studies in Iconology Harper Torch New York 1939
Panofsky E Meaning in the Visual Arts Peregrine 1970
Ruesch J and Kees W Non-verbal Communication Univ. of California Press 1956
Spottiswoode R A Grammar of the Film Faber and Faber 1935
Vine I ‘Communication by Facial-Visual Signals’ in J H Crook (ed) Social behaviour in Animals and Men Academic Press 1969
Williamson J Decoding Ads Marion Boyars 2002
Wollen P Signs and Meaning in the Cinema Secker and Warburg 1969 (revised edition BFI 1998)
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